fruits and veg

Freshport Helps Shippers Extend Shelf Life of Tropical Fruits and Vegetables

Cutting Costs and Extending Shelf Life by Maximizing Space

Styrofoam and gel packs have been the go-to solution for a cheap and somewhat effective means of keeping cargo cool. However, these ‘cheaper’ solutions have been shown to be not as effective as newer age products that have arrived on the market.

Without using styrofoam or gel packs – the Freshport process uses a tight set of process steps that includes monitoring from the pack house, thermal covers, forced air cooling, and lining aircraft containers; allowing products to be loaded onto aircraft with the right level of protection and to reach its destination at a stable temperature, maximizing shelf life and quality.

In parallel, denser cargo (by avoiding styrofoam) and reduced claims, means a lower cost to ship products, enabling them to be sold at a premium price. Our philosophy is that there has to be an easier and cheaper way to ship these products; you really need to know the commodity and the handling steps from pack house to import clearing agent. If the container requires an envirotainer, we’ll recommend it, but it may be overkill. Many times the solution is to work with shippers to ensure products are delivered in good condition and at the right temperature. Our process includes additional pre-cooling in the cargo terminal, loading into specialty insulated aircraft containers, and protecting the container with additional liners all the way out to the aircraft. Our services can help everyone along the supply chain by offering airlines additional billable freight revenue; for the shipper lower airfreight costs; and for the importer higher quality products and less waste.

For fresh produce loss and damage, reduced shelf life accounts for 25% of the value of the product shipped and airfreight must be paid on top after the product is thrown away or rejected at destination. It’s another expense you can take out of the supply chain. Especially with tropical fruits and vegetables, keeping them cool and secure throughout their long journey to destinations around the world means that their will be less waste and longer shelf life for the products, which in the end yields larger profits for all.

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